by Rosemary Cunningham | Dec 1, 2021 | Business Coaching, Business coaching for coaches, Business Coaching for Therapists, Money Mindset
Is your People Pleaser running your life? Is this you? Be honest, we all know someone who does this but is it you too?! It’s certainly me! -You always feel responsible to make sure everyone is ok. -Someone offers to pay you for a meal, a service or a more
by Rosemary Cunningham | Jul 27, 2021 | Abundance in Action, Business Coaching, Money Mindset, Retreats and Workshops, Soulful Business Coaching
Own your Value, Charge your Worth, 40 Day Programme! Black Friday Special Early Entry £297 then £497 after 18 December You can do at your own pace, fast or slow. You can work with a peer group or alone. You choose. Here’s what you get! This is the more
by Rosemary Cunningham | Mar 9, 2021 | Business coaching for coaches, Business Coaching for Therapists, Business Mindset
Back in 1993, I had loads of enthusiasm, a rather business degree, a massage certificate and nursing qualification but absolutely no idea how to run a business! Here are just four of the MANY things I’ve learnt as a business and money coach and loads of more
by Rosemary Cunningham | Sep 8, 2020 | Business Coaching, Business coaching for coaches, Business Coaching for Therapists, Business Mindset
Do you find getting good testimonials a challenge? Is it awkward asking for them then maybe they never arrive? And if they do, they just don’t say quite what you want your client to have said? Is there too much, “Rosemary is a lovely person” and not enough “ more
by Rosemary Cunningham | Jun 12, 2020 | Money Coaching for Couples, Money Mindset, Uncategorized
Even a single money coaching session can change or even save a relationship. We all have a different money personality which arises for our early experiences, upbringing, our parenting, culture and much more. Only yesterday a lady told me she grew up with a father more