Today I did a massage, my first since March! I used to do 30 treatments a week, for many years. Now I’m a Money and Business Coach but I love to keep my hand in a little, just occasionally! I got a big reminder today about valuing our time and what providing a service really costs.

I spent 45 minutes working but time it really took was more like three hours, plus the opportunity cost which is what I didn’t do/earn in that time.

I started getting ready at home about 9am, got to the clinic around 9-45, my lovely client was with me for an hour, then clear up and home. Covid means everything has to be cleaned and washed , much more than usual and I was back at home at 12 but only really got my work at 1pm.

It can take 45 minutes for us to adjust from one task to another too so that is unproductive time. For example adjusting from making phone calls to writing can take that long.

When I saw 30 clients a week, I got in flow, one after another, a really satisfying and productive way to work for me.

My money and business coaching are my work and joy now but I still love to do a treatment every now and again but only for very special people. I value my time too much.

Maybe you too are spending hidden pockets of time that don’t yield much result?

My top suggestions for maximising your time. 

Block tasks together. A morning of phone calls or writing.  It can take forty minutes to refocus your mind when swapping totally different types of work.  

Do a time audit, every 20 minutes of the day for a week and see where your time is really spent.

⏰Become really aware of what you’re paid for what you do. You may feel it’s not worth continuing with some tasks.

⚖️Don’t make your charity your business. As a Nurturer archetype, I’ve had to be really careful with this. Charity or pro bono work can take more time than we think.

Drop me a line if you would like to talk through this..  A 30 minute Complimentary Discovery Call is always a great use of my time! Book one here!!

I’m a work in progress myself but after 27 years of running a heart centred business, I know a trick or two!

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