Here are three of my favourite, tried and tested HUGE things that you really must get into alignment to consistently attract those ideal clients.

1. Believe you CAN do this or at least be open to the possibility!

You want success, financial freedom, stress free money conversations and client relationships. When we have been so programmed for scarcity by society, it can be our default to think that life is going to be difficult and clients hard to come by and hard fought for. There is a different way!

Only you can do this for yourself. If you don’t believe, you’ll be in a push pull of doubt and self sabotage. The way this shows up for me is I create a programme but then I don’t market it with full conviction. If people don’t sign up straight away, I doubt myself, think I may have got it wrong so don’t not marketing it well as I’ve had doubts.

To help with that self belief, surround yourself with people who believe in you and have your back. A supportive business community can really help with this or a mastermind group can be hugely valuable. A great coach believes in you before you can believe in yourself too.

Do some mindset work! Investing in brain training, working with a mindset coach, whatever finds you will pay off hugely.

Learn to bust yourself when you’re dipping back into unhelpful self talk and no confidence. Learn to talk yourself out of that place. I’ll be sharing some videos in the next weeks about Conscious creation, talking to ourselves and others consciously so we create what we want rather than more of what we don’t want.

2. Solve a Unique Problem for a Unique Group of People in a Unique Way

For example, be a weight loss or personal trainer coach for mothers who want to lose more than twenty five pounds of post baby weight using your special method or product, your signature system.

Or, in my case, I work with heart centred business women, aged between about 40 and 50 to find their true purpose and bring all aspects of themselves into one business, using Branding and Money Archetypes and intuitive business coaching.

Get really clear on this and it will be so much easier for you to market to these clients as you can get to know them inside out. I’ll be running a short course on this soon. Do drop me a line to go on the wait list and learn more.

3.Find a Method of Marketing that you Love, perfect it and don’t get side tracked.

Let’s bust a myth here. You don’t have to do every type of marketing to be successful in business. When I started my business we had the Yellow Pages and talking to people! Back in 1993 we had no networking or social media and I still managed to attract and treat 30 clients a week!

I hear many new business owners so worried that they “have to” market their business on numerous social media channels and do absolutely everything. Then with further examination it turns out, they are attracting amazing clients through word of mouth.

Instead, choose one method of marketing that you love and get really good at it. Try this quick quiz, created by the amazing Dana Wilde who also inspired this blog! The quiz will show you which methods are easiest and most fun for you! Go to

Then you’ll be an expert at your craft and an expert at marketing in a certain way. This alone will bring confidence and I’ve got no doubt you will be eminating your passion and purpose which will help clients find you too! That’s called attraction marketing!

Please leave me a message or book a call with me if you would like a chat about this. These are broad guidelines and in my experience, it’s helpful to have help putting this into place and as a business coach, that’s what I do.

Book a complimentary Discovery Call with me here.

Rosemary is a Money Breakthrough Business Coach based in Southend, Essex in the UK. She has run her own successful complementary therapy and then coaching business for over twenty years and now specialises in helping heart centred business women create successful, profitable fulfilling businesses.

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