She leaned forward and said in a hushed voice, “I’m a spiritual teacher and I do it through marketing”.

I went all the way to Stamford, Connecticut to hear that one sentence.

Back around 2010 I got an email from Fabienne Fredrickson inviting me to spend a day with her and have lunch at her sailing club in Stamford, Conneticut. Nearest airport, New York!

The event was free but I had no idea how I would afford to get there.

As with all things that are meant to be, with the help of an affiliate payment from another mentor and Air Miles, I was off to New York the following month.

I’d been following Fabienne for a few years since I heard her speak at a Glazer Kennedy marketing conference in Nashville 2008.   That was an incredible couple of days in a crazy hotel Vegas style with a river running through it.

At the conference she was on the stage, rather stiffly talking about how at one time she had done a massive price hike and it had worked!

I spoke to her afterwards and she really didn’t seem at ease at what was a very masculine event.   It was a couple of years later that she and some other marketers like Ali Brown “came out” as they called it about their spiritual beliefs and how this came into their businesses.

At the sailing club, it was a dark, rainy day.  The event was very simple, a day’s workshop.

I can remember nothing about apart from Fabienne, almost shyly leaning forward and saying “I’m a spiritual teacher and I do it through marketing”.

At that stage of my life, I was a full time therapist, trying to make ends meet.   I knew there was more to me but I had no idea what.  I was treating thirty clients a week, teaching, working in several locations.  I was working sixty hours a week or more.

I had done a life coaching qualification but was unimpressed.  I felt I got equal transformations for my clients with the Bowen, massage and reflexology sessions.  I always added powerful extras like Australian Bush Flower essences and some incredible essential oils. I think now that I’m a natural coach so that was part of how I work with clients anyway.

My spiritual path had been important since I started my therapy career in 1992.  I was really kicked into bigger action after my sister died in 2009.

I had a lot of debt, from investing in courses and had hit rock bottom financially.

One god forsaken May bank holiday weekend when I was in Tesco’s and my card was rejected, with a few bags of shopping.  I had to walk out leaving it all my packed bags at the till and went home, humiliated.

A client, Jenny had given me an audio copy of “The Power of Intention” by  A Wayne Dyer.  She said, this helped me so I feel I would like to share it with you.  I recall coming back from Tesco’s to the peace of my garden shed where I was potting up seedlings.  I felt my life was in freefall.  Listening to the book, the lights started to come on.

I certainly went all the way to New York to hear that from Fabienne.  I never worked with her officially afterwards.  I do take an interest in what she’s up to and tap into the occasional event.

I help my clients listen to their heart, get above the noise and tune into what’s really important.  I help women really make peace with money, to own their worth and build a profitable business that helps them fulfil their life path.

I am a business woman and a healer.  I help women find peace and joy in our bodies, our lives and our businesses.

I am a spiritual teacher.  Do you think you may be too?

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